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Friday July 8, 2016
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Friday, July 8th

144 Freedom Street – Hopedale, MA

In Two Sessions

The contents of the longtime home of William and Nancy Gannett

William was the grandson of Eben Draper,

former Governor of Massachusetts and President of the Draper Company

Session One - Discovery Auction begins at 10:00 am

The first session will begin with three hours of uncatalogued discoveries;

you must be present to view and bid on these items.

Session Two - On Line Cataloged Auction begins at 1:00 pm

These items are available for viewing and bidding thru

Absentee and phone bidding will be available for this session

 Over 600 Lots to be Sold in one day

 All items are available for preview auction day at 8 am.

We invite you to spend the day with us at this beautiful estate.  This will be an exciting sale! The house is full of antiques and custom furnishings passed down through many generations of the Draper Family.  Something for every taste and budget!

800-822-1417   Mass Auc Lic# 770

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LICENSE NUMBERS - MA: #770, NH: #2182, FL: #AU2662, ME: #AUC840 REAL ESTATE NUMBERS - MASS: #125120, NEW HAMPSHIRE: #041256 - John McInnis Auctioneers  |  76 Main Street, Amesbury, MA 01913  |  P 978-388-0400 F 978-388-8863  |  Our Web Design